Make: sensors /

Karvinen, Tero

Make: sensors / Sensors Tero Karvinen, Kimmo Karvinen, Ville Valtokari - Sebastopol, CA : Maker Media, 2014 - xxi, 377 p. : il. ; 24 cm - Make (Maker Media) .

A la portada: Projects and experiments to measure the world with Arduino and Raspberry Pi Índex

Conté: Make: Sensors is the definitive introduction and guide to the sometimes-tricky world of using sensors to monitor the physical world. With dozens of projects and experiments for you to build, this book shows you how to build sensor projects with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi


Programació de sistemes (Informàtica)
Interacció persona-ordinador----Disseny
Interfícies d'usuari (Informàtica)----Disseny

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